Factories often display their entire line of products on the web, providing you with a greater selection of products. With all of these factories on the web, you gain the opportunity to compare quality and pricing in a simple and easy online format, instead of wasting time browsing through endless catalogs that crowd your work center.
Better pricing is readily available on the web, but you have to dig and probe for it. Type in any rubber keychains related keywords into your favorite search engine and sift through the results until you find a rubber keychains company with discount pricing. A great trick is to choose an item and have several rubber keychains companies give you a quote, ALWAYS including any set up charges and freight. This will get you a true number to compare an exact total cost.
How do these online web companies afford to sell the exact same product for less than other distributors? Traditionally, rubber keychains are sold by a distributor who has a whole staff of outside sales people that will go to your business, show you tons samples, and baby sit you through the process of placing an order. These outside sales people are number one primary expense of an off-line distributor. Believe me this expense is then factored into the price of the rubber keychain you are purchasing, thus raising your total cost. By purchasing discount rubber keychains on the web, you can eliminate lining some salespersons pockets and reduce your purchase price by a considerable amount of money.
The Convenience comes with the ability of placing your entire order online. All successful web companies offer this service with encrypted order forms to secure your purchasing information. You may send your artwork via email. This is made easy with the online form. With online ordering you gain the convenience of placing your order anytime, twenty-four hours a day seven days a week.
A few of these online web companies also provide customer service departments with extended hours. They are set up to take your calls, handle your rush orders, and to answer your questions promptly. If you prefer to communicate through e-mail, this is a great way to document your order from start to finish. You can e-mail a question to your distributor, leave for a break, and have it answered by the time you return.
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